6 steps to make your dreamS come true in 2021

6 ways to make your dreams come true in 2020 (1).png

Listen time- 11:30

Hello loves!

My name is Gaosong V. Heu. I am an artist, entrepreneur and educator using the power of storytelling to inspire goddesses like you, to unapologetically love yourself, connect more deeply with others and live your higher purpose.

TRUE, TRIED AND TESTED, here are the 6 steps that I took to fulfill my life-long dream of becoming a professional actress in New York City.

It took me 20+ years to even get to this point BUT I don’t want YOU to have to wait 20 years to learn these lessons. This 10 minute read will align your heart and mind, while equipping you with the tangible steps you need to make your dreams come true in 2021.

Now, I just want to preface this by saying that this journey is NOT going to happen overnight. It is going to take months and sometimes YEARS of dilligence, resiliency and heart, BUT trust that if you incorporate these six steps, YOU will make your dreams come true.

So, if you’re ready to make your dreams come true in 2021, keep on reading!

I have been telling people since I was 4 years old that I want to be a professional actress in NYC, starring in a show on Broadway. I used to play house my friends as an 8 year old and fill pages of my diary with hopes and dreams of stardom.Writing …

I have been telling people since I was 4 years old that I want to be a professional actress in NYC, starring in a show on Broadway. I used to play house my friends as an 8 year old and fill pages of my diary with hopes and dreams of stardom.

Writing down your dreams and saying it aloud are things you must do, in order to begin this journey. In a journal, on the back of a napkin, or on a vision board— it doesn’t matter. There is no wrong way to get started.

It is extremely important that YOU are able to admit to yourself that this is your dream. Believe in yourself enough to write it down. Believe in yourself enough to say it aloud.

Know that you are enough, and that you deserve to have your dreams come true.

So write it down and say it aloud. I know you can do it.

step 1: A C T I O N

>>Try this sentence structure down below:

I am a ____________ (occupation) in ________________(location). Doing ______________ (verb), and I am ______________, _______________, and ___________________ (3 states of being/emotions).

If I were to fill this out, it would look like this:

I am an actress in New York City, starring in my first show and I am happy, healthy and successful.


My whole life I would not shut up about becoming a professional actress in NYC. I used to tell, everyone and anyone who would listen. I didn’t even know about the audition notice when it first came out—even though I was living in NYC. My friends, fa…

My whole life I would not shut up about becoming a professional actress in NYC. I used to tell, everyone and anyone who would listen. I was living in NYC when the audition notice came out for the show—but I didn’t even know about it. I had friends, family, work collegues all reach out to me about this opportunitiy.

People need people.

You may not have all the resources you need in order to make your dreams come true, but other people may. From jobs, to acting gigs, to personal references, little nuggets of wisdom and connecting to different people in different states and countries…I have a debt of gratitude for all of those who have helped me along my journey.

It’s human to be scared, but don’t be scared when it comes to your dreams.

Sharing your dreams with others makes you vulnerable because you are sharing a part of your heart with others, but being vulnerable is not a weakness.

If your fear overshadows your own desire to make your dreams come true, then you are not ready to make your dreams come true.

Notice I say MAKE, because YOU are the only person responsible for your dreams. While sharing your dreams with others will create opportunities for the advancement of your dreams, at the end of the day, only YOU will make your dream happen. So share your dreams with other people, you never know who you will inspire and who will want to help you along your journey to make your dreams come true.

step 2- A C T I O N

>>Reach out to 5 different people, and share your dream with them.

I am very happy and fortunate to have gotten the lead role in this show. I know there were SO MANY talented Hmong women from all over the US who auditioned for the part I got. However, I know for a fact, I was the only person who was living in New Y…

I am very happy and fortunate to have gotten the lead role in this show. I know there were SO MANY talented Hmong women from all over the US who auditioned for the part I got. However, I know for a fact, I was the only person who was living in New York City and who auditioned live in-person. Living in NYC and auditioning live in-person gave me a huge advantage as I was able to connect more deeply with the producers of the show through play.

Yet, creating an environment that will allow your dreams to come true is not just about your physical environment, it also has everything to do with the mental and emotional environments you create—but

creating an environment that will allow you to be successful is 100% dependent on your ability to be self-reflexive and to understand what it is YOU need in order to be successful.

For myself, I am very selective about who I let into my life and who I call my “friend.” I only surround myself with kind, good, loving people. This allows me to create a mental and emotional environment of love and support.

When this opportunity presented itself to me, I was extremely stressed with my last semester of grad school, running a business in Minnesota and living in a tiny room that couldn’t fit more than 2 twin sized beds.

However, my roomates were a group of amazing women. They each were vibrant, loving, supportive and boss a$$ bishes. Their relentless support of me, from doing lines with me, to picking out my audition outfits, to even making sure I was getting enough sleep created the environment I needed in order to make my dream come to fruition. For this, I am forever grateful.

step 3: A C T I O N

>> Identify 3 things about your current environment (physical, mental, emotional) that support your dream.

>> Identify 3 things about your current environment (physical, mental, emotional) that distract you from your dream.

Feeling bold?

>>Strategize how you are going to change/eliminate/lessen the impact of those three distractions from your life!

The morning of my audition, I thought I was going to be well-rested and hydrated, have my headshot and resume in hand, attend an early morning meeting, be in Time Square 15 minutes early for my audition, rock that shit and land the part. What really…

The morning of my audition, I thought I was going to be well-rested and hydrated, have my headshot and resume in hand, attend an early morning meeting, be in Time Square 15 minutes early for my audition, rock that shit and land the part.

What really happened:

I got no sleep. I forgot my water bottle. Every printer was BROKEN at several CVS locations. The train was delayed. And I was literally RUNNING to my audition with only 3 minutes to spare.

I planned out everything for my first audition down to A TEEEEEEEE— but nothing went the way it was supposed to. In life, we plan things out, we set goals for ourselves, with managable, actionable steps, and yet, life just throws a curveball into our lives. Or in my case… a delayed train and broken printers. BUT THAT IS OK.

This is not the first time my plans were thwarted by the universe. In high school, I thought I was going to be accepted into Julliard for my undergrad, live in NYC and become a famous actress and opera singer by the age of 21. My plans drastically changed when I was REJECTED FROM JULLIARD.

While my dreams transformed with life, this one dream remained with me all of these years. I was open and flexible to the changes, never forgetting the dreams of my 4 year old self.

The same is true for YOU. You should always create a plan for yourself because this process is a part of the inner and outer work that MUST be done in order to make your dreams come true. However, you should be open and flexible to the changes of life—that way when life does derail you from a set path, you can have enough tenacity and wit to create another path to your final destination.

step 4: A C T I O N

>>Write down a step by step plan of what you need to do in order to make your dreams come true.

Feeling wise?!

>> Include as many details as you can about each step! From the location, to the time of the year, to a link to the resource, to the name of the person you need to contact!

Specificity is the stepping stone to success.

This is SO important in the process of making your dreams come true, because you need to realize that many things in life are out of your control. I cannot tell you how many times I did not get a part in a show, or was rejected for a job.While it is…

This is SO important in the process of making your dreams come true, because you need to realize that many things in life are out of your control. I cannot tell you how many times I did not get a part in a show, or was rejected for a job.

While it is important to grieve the loss of an opportunity, or an event in life gone wrong, you can only grow by moving forward. Don’t dwell on what could have been or should have been.

You can only control yourself, your thoughts and your actions.

You cannot control other people’s thoughts of you, their actions or their lives.

Feel empowered by this. ONLY focus on what you can do NOW in this present moment, to make your dream come true.

This is something I am still working on till this day, and it is truly a practice of self-love.

  • Stop caring about what other people are thinking, doing, saying.

  • Stop comparing yourself.

  • Focus on you, your life and making your dream come true.

You are in control of your life and your future.

step 5: A C T I O N

>>Set a timer for 5 minutes

>>Create a list of things you control in your life.

Ex: Smiling, blinking, happy thoughts etc. NOTHING is too mundane.

Feeling smart?!

>> Go through the list and edit out any thing you wrote that is actually outside of your control.

>> For every item you delete, add in a new item you DO control.

Other people may not know you’re only putting in 50%, but you will know. If you cannot put in 100% effort into YOUR. OWN. DREAMS then you need to reevaluate whether this truly is your dream.This does not mean that your 100% is always going to look t…

Other people may not know you’re only putting in 50%, but you will know.

If you cannot put in 100% effort into YOUR. OWN. DREAMS then you need to reevaluate whether this truly is your dream.

This does not mean that your 100% is always going to look the same.

Somedays, 100% for me looks like hours of extreme productivity, self kindness and rehearsing. Other days, 100% may only be getting out of bed, drinking water and looking at my script for five minutes.

THIS. IS. OKAY. Because I still know I am doing the best I can do.

In those moments of negotiation— when you are trying to figure out IF you are doing enough, ask yourself:

“Given who I am in this current moment, can I do more to make my dreams come true?”

The first answer is always the CORRECT ANSWER.

If it is “NO,” then practice some grace and come back tomorrow.

If it is “YES”— then ask yourself specifically what it is you need to do to be your best self. And do it.

If the answer is “YES” and you still decide not to do it, then this is something you’re going to have to work through yourself. TRUST that if this is your dream, that you will ALWAYS put in the work, because not doing it, is NOT an option. ***inner work alert!***

There is no self judgement here— only a practice of transparency.

So do your best, always.

step 6: A C T I O N

>> Write down this question someplace safe, so you can ask yourself this question in moments of negotiation.

“Given who I am in this current moment, can I do more to make my dreams come true?”


And there you have it, my dreamers. The 6 steps I took to make my dreams come true. Now, you are 6 steps closer to making your dreams come true in 2021. I am so proud of you all for starting this journey— I know you can do it.

You are beautiful. You are strong. You are a goddess.

Till next time…


Gaosong V. Heu


Let’s practice Step 1 and Step 2 now!

Fill in the sentence structure from Step 1 and share it with me in a comment below!

I am a ____________ (occupation) in ________________(location). Doing ______________ (verb), and I am ____________, _________________, and _______________ (3 states of being/emotions).

Feeling shy? Share it directly with me on Facebook here or send me an email here.

I can’t wait to connect with you all on your journeys!


The Art of Healing


28 life lessons for 28 years